Discover our single side horizontal WALL-mounted i-WALL Totem: robust, versatile, and suitable for outdoor use. The totem is customizable, made of painted steel with specific
treatment for outdoor use and laminated safety glass, offering a full range of screens from 22’’ to 75’’ for an impeccable visual experience. Equipped with a heater and
thermostat to adapt to any weather condition, it ensures optimal operation in every weather situation. The front opening facilitates regular maintenance, and the reprogrammable lock allows for unification of your totem keys. The outdoor version features screens designed to withstand high temperatures, with high brightness and automatic adjustment for optimal visibility at all times. Meeting the needs of Digital Signage, it’s ideal as a static or interactive information point. Choose the horizontal WALL-mounted Totem to transform your outdoor communication and capture the attention of the public. It’s the ideal solution for a wide range of contexts, including shopping malls, HoReCa, museums, and municipalities.


  • Sistemi promozionali
  • Punto informativo


  • Banche
  • Comuni
  • Centri Commerciali
  • Stazioni e Aeroporti
  • Scuole
  • Punti vendita dettaglio e all’ingrosso

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